cowfunding = cow crowdfunding
Cows might be my spirit animal. They’re so sweet and loving…with an amazing playful streak. Being around them is relaxing and energizing at the same time. Even the smell of their breath is amazing - the best aromatherapy. Grassy and fresh…and something about it just smells kind. It is one of my favorite smells in the whole world. And I want you to experience all this with me and the 3 Wonderlland cows - Loretta, Emmylou and Lady Mary - AND LADY MARY’S BABY DUE ANYTIME!
what do you get?
levels of cowfunding
There are numerous levels of cowfunding with increasing benefits - see them all at the bottom of the page, with buttons to click beside each one to start getting cowfunder benefits!
benefits all cowfunders get
Cowfunders become a part of this micro dairy and our lives - no matter where in the world you live. When Lady Mary has her calf, dairy life here will officially begin as I learn the process hands on - and you learn with me.
Cowfunders support a micro dairy with a mega purpose - to change the world’s broken dairy system. And to do so through real, visible change at the human level - that we will celebrate together. Approximately 7 small dairy farms closed their doors forever on EACH DAY of 2018, with many tearfully sending their beloved cows to auction for purchase by mega dairies or for slaughter. Meanwhile, there is still a glut of milk and prices are at a crippling low, as the mega dairies - some with literally thousands of cows crammed in their barns and lots - continue to flood the market. Wonderlland is working with closed or struggling small and micro dairies to transition from commodity milk sales to selling directly to local customers. To share their love of cows and truly wholesome milk with local customers, while charging fair prices that actually cover their expenses and allow them to survive and make a viable living.
what does cowfunding fund?
Starting a dairy - even a micro dairy - is extremely expensive. There are lots of upfront costs, and those prevent many people who would be loving dairy men and women from pursuing it. At Wonderlland, I’m doing things in baby steps. Not jumping right to construction of a Grade A dairy facility. Frankly, because that’s not affordable for me. But it is eventually in the plans. Here is a list of things I’m pursuing with the help of cowfunders:
Buying pregnant Lady Mary
A British White Park, which is a heritage breed that used to be used for both milk and meat. Today, mostly Holsteins are used for dairy. They have been bred to be huge and produce an unnatural amount of milk. They burn out early, have health issues, and are sent to slaughter in many cases after only a couple of years. British White Park, in contrast, produce a perfectly wonderful and natural amount of milk. For that reason, they are almost exclusively used as beef cattle today. However, even that isn’t common, as there are also breeds that have been engineered to be better for those purposes, too. British White Park remain in their gorgeous, healthy, heritage state. The breed, itself, is also known for its sweetness and loving nature.
Getting Loretta & Emmylou pregnant for Spring 2020 Calving
The cost here includes straws of frozen bull semen from a Miniature Jersey Bull compatible with Loretta and Emmylou enough for 3 tries each (the success rate per try is approximately 50-70%, when using a professional inseminator to do the job). Registered purebred Miniature Jersey cattle herds are not common, and there are no appropriate local bulls that I could arrange for the girls to visit. Therefore, I have to order bull semen and have it shipped frozen to me. Then I will have a professional inseminator work with my veterinarian to get the girls ready and give it a go! If it doesn’t take and they show signs of going into heat the next month, we try again! The variance in cost listed is based on whether we have success the first time, or have to keep trying. Loretta & Emmylou are my beloved ladies that I’ve had from the start. They are happy, chunky monkeys on pasture alone, and they are years past the time when most heifers first give birth. They regularly let me know when they are in heat…like the two times recently they actually broke out of the 230 property to go looking for a bull. LOL! They will be excited mommies! Pregnancy is 9 months, so it’s time to start trying! Woo!
Turning the little old farmhouse basement into a milk cooler
The little old farmhouse is becoming place for ice cream and butter churning classes, milk soap making, and other farm visitor gatherings. Its little basement is gutted and readied to be turned into a milk cooler, and it will be just perfect!
Turning the office in the barn into a milking parlour
The barn’s office is a small room with concrete floor and crumbling insulated walls and ceiling. It will be a cozy spot for me to hand milk one cow at a time. This is perfect - especially now - as I plan to hand milk for the time being (instead of using a machine), and I only have one pregnant cow. However, the little office needs to be deep cleaned of dust and the walls need to be redone in a non-porous and easily cleaned material. A trough for Lady Mary to eat treats while I milk her will be added, along with milking stool and appropriate milk receptacles. Raw milk may be sold off the farm in Missouri, however, I plan to add a 30 gallon vat pasteurizer and chiller in time. The majority of the expense here is for this small pasteurizer that meets Grade A dairy requirements.
levels of cowfunding
$20.00+ Everyone contributing at least this much gets to officially be a dairyman or dairywoman! You are a part of this farm! You will also receive a teeny tiny lucky cow in the mail. Keep her with you to feel close to farm life and bring you good luck always.
$75.00+ If you chip in at least $75 towards dairying, you get the Lucky Cow level perks, PLUS a guide on how to find farm fresh dairy from happy cows anywhere in the world! It can be hard to find at the grocery store. I know my town’s local grocery stores don’t stock any milk or ice cream that I trust comes from a place where cows and calves actually live a great life. Milk Mavens will receive an email guide on how to track down a happy milk supply and support their local small dairies!
$100.00+ Everything at the lower levels, plus you and your family can attend a Milking and Making Class of your choice. I will put at least 2 Milking and Making Classes per month on the schedule here at the farm for the duration of her milking season. They will include a whole variety of fun stuff! Each one will start with meeting Lady Mary and her baby, and learning how to milk! From there, each class will teach something different - butter making, milk soap making, fresh cheese making, and ice cream churning - to name a few! Sign your family up for the one that sounds most exciting to your crew. Note: for these purposes, family means up to 2 adults, i.e. parents, grandparents, etc., and the family kids. It’s an honor system on what is your “family,” but if you bring the whole neighborhood, I’ll suspect something is up… :)
$200.00+ Eeeeeerthang in the levels before this, PLUS a fresh gallon of milk each month of Lady Mary’s milking season to be picked up at the farm!
$500+ The undying love and gratitude of me, Lady Mary, and her baby. Really truly. Status at Wonderlland as Dairy Royalty. Everything listed in the other levels, PLUS a season’s pass for you and your family (see definition of family for these purposes in description for Family Cow level) to all Milking and Making Classes, PLUUUUSSSS a private 2 hour Cow Cuddling session at a mutually agreed upon day and time. Have you ever cuddled a cow? It’s amazing. And it’s the hot new personal wellness trend. Get in on it now and be a super cool early adopter.
$5,000+ Official Dairy Sponsors contributing at this level or above receive a year of advertising at Wonderlland events through the prominent placement of your name and logo on signage in the visitor area. I will mention you as a sponsor during the talks that I give at events. I will celebrate your sponsorship on my social media accounts, and you will be listed as a sponsor on the Wonderlland website for the year. And you will receive a full corporate or family table at one agreed upon ticketed event at Wonderlland during the year. If there are additional sponsorship privileges you would like to negotiate, please contact me directly at page@wonderl.land to discuss other opportunities. Alternative options include donation of goods or structures in exchange for naming that structure, etc., after your company or family.
I can’t wait to have you out to the farm - whether it be in person or remotely by live video. Thanks for your support, on behalf of me, Loretta, Emmylou, and - most importantly - on behalf of Lady Mary!