Strange swans. Odd ducks. Rarae Aves. By any name, we adore the square pegs of the farm animal kingdom (but, incidentally, why DO so many of the idioms about being weird have to do with fowl). The Strange Swan Society is on a mission to spread the word about humane farming, and to save farm animals (and farm friends) some may not see as perfect. They are just a different kind of perfect. Like each one of us.
The Society includes a motley crew of characters on a fun farm. And they show some pretty unbelievable displays of animal emotions. On one leg. With scissor beaks. In wheelchairs. Mourning lost mates. They help the Society share the message that each farm animal deserves to be treated like the wonderful individual he or she is. And that we have the power, as consumers, to make food buying choices that will make any other way of farming outdated and obsolete.
When Page Pardo went from lawyer to farmer and started Wonderlland, she soon realized that her mission to help farm animals in a big way (a way that reached beyond her own farm’s borders) was in the stars. She was overwhelmingly inspired - by her crew of brave misfit animals, and by the tribe of brave misfit humans out there living differently for the benefit of farm animals. Thus, the Strange Swan Society was born as its own division of Wonderlland. Are you in?
Joining The Society is as easy as showing your support. Signing up for the email list at the bottom of the page, shopping on this website, and telling your friends. Proceeds from purchases here help support the substantial veterinary bills for the strange animals at Wonderlland, allow us to take in more with special needs, and fund The Strange Swan Society outreach efforts.
Wonderlland is organized as a for profit farm, because we believe - and want to show - that happy animal farms shouldn’t have to be nonprofits surviving on donations. Farming needs to be happy - not factory. Our food system is in trouble and requires massive change. Because of this, Wonderlland not only strives for happy, multifunctional, regenerative, delicious agriculture inside its fences. We are helping other small farmers do the same…and actually make a living. 25% of the proceeds from all the tshirts in our Happy - Not Factory line available on the Shop tab are donated to help small farmers get the business planning and infrastructure they need to develop a thriving direct-to-consumer sales base. Selling at fair (not artificially low) prices direct to customers who know and trust us is a way for good farmers to survive…and, with the help of people like you…thrive. Connecting people more deeply again with farmers and their food is just the magic that we need. And doesn’t it feel so magical and special eating this way?