Pigs and Ponies for 2

Pigs and Ponies for 2
Wonderlland’s 3 huge pigs and little pony and mini mule are some of the favorites on the farm - especially for kids. (But adults only love this one, too.) Come for an hour of private time with these crowd favorites. We’ll provide treats for you to feed them all, and you can spend some super up-close time with stallion pony Sugar Boy, who loves to be brushed and get neck scratches.
If you have someone in your life who wants a pony, this is the next best thing! Just kidding…it is way better. Because you don’t have to actually take care of a pony for life. Just come and do all the fun stuff, and leave the work to us!
All experiences purchased in 2018 are redeemable beginning in 2019. There is no expiration date on your purchase. After you complete your purchase, you will receive an email confirmation. Save this for your records, and contact us by email or phone anytime thereafter to set up a mutually agreeable date and time for your trek. The pigs and ponies accommodate (read: adore) visitors year round.
You will be asked to enter a contact person for your trek party upon checkout. This is for our records. If the experience is a gift, you may enter the gift recipient’s information if you wish. We will not initiate contact - we wait to hear from you to reserve your date and time. This system allows for easier gift giving, as well as allowing the parties to consider their most desired time of year before contacting us to set the exact date.
We will do our best to accommodate any special occasion dates you wish to reserve, however our experiences are scheduled on a first come, first served basis. If you have any additional special requests, please feel free to contact us. We would love to discuss the possibility of adding other services to your experience for special events such as anniversaries, proposals, etc.